Heidi's bookshelf: read

Heartstopper: Osa 1
Sydämenmuotoinen kesä
Kiltin tytön murhaopas
Perfect on Paper
Lomalla kaikki on toisin
Stranger Things: The Other Side
Laura Dean Keeps Breaking Up with Me
10 totuutta ja yksi tehtävä
Punapipoinen poika
Kiss Me - Rakkautta Mykonoksella
Counting Down with You
Laakson linnut, aavan laulut

Heidi's favorite books »

Popsugar Reading Challenge - etenemiseni haasteessa

1. A book becoming a movie in 2019
Aurinko on tähti: Nicole Yoon

2. A book that make you nostalgic
Matkaystävä: Suvi Ratinen

3. A book written by a musician (fiction or non-fiction)
Lintuhäkki: Josh Malerman

4. A book you think should be turned into a movie
Kaipaus: Vuokko Hurme

5. A book with at least a million ratings on GoodReads
6. A book with a plant on the cover
Tytti Seckelinin elämä ja esikoisteos: Heidi Silvan
7. A reread of a favorite book
8. A book about a hobby
Liitopoika: Arja Puikkonen
9. A book with “pop”, “sugar” or “challenge” in the title
10. A book with an item of clothing or accessory on the cover
Mortal engines - liikkuvat koneet: Philip Reeve
11. A book inspired by mythology, legend or folklore
Maan povessa; Sini Helminen
12. A book published posthumously
13. A book you see someone reading in TV or in a movie
14. A retelling of a classic
Anne Frankin päiväkirja; Ari Folman (sarjakuvasovitus) ja David Polonsky (kuvitus)
15. A book with a question in the title
16. A book set on a college or university Campus
17. A book with somebody with a superpower
Varjojen valtias: Cassandra Clare
18. A book told from multiple character POV’s
Kolme on parillinen luku: Nic Stone
19. A book set in space
Artemis: Andy Weir
20. A book by two female authors
Loimut - Synkät vedet 3: Camilla & Viveca Sten
21. A book with a title that contains “salty”, “sweet”, “bitter” or “spicy”
22. A book set in Scandinavia
Veljeni, Leijonamieli: Astrid Lingren
23. A book that takes place on a single day
24. A debut novel
Taikuri ja taskuvaras: Anniina Mikama
25. A book that’s published in 2019
Auringon pimeä puoli: Marisha Rasi-Koskinen
26. A book featuring an extinct or imaginary creature
Savuvarkaat: Sally Green
27. A book recommended by a celebrity you admire
28. A book with “love” in the title
Pojille, joita joskus rakastin: Jenny Han
29. A book featuring an amateur detective
30. A book about a family
Älä kerro kenellekään - Tylerin tarina: Estelle Maskame
31. A book written by an author from Asia, Africa or South America
Rotukarja: Agustina Bazterrica
32. A book with a zodiac sign or astrology term in the title
33. A book that includes a wedding
Katsokaa miten onnellinen olen: Holly Bourne
34. A ghost story
Kivienkelit: Kristina Ohlsson

35. A book with a two-word title
Hurmeen maku. Romanssi: Jukka Laajarinne

36. A novel based on a true story
Rouva C: Minna Rytisalo

37. A book revolving around a puzzle or a game
38. Your favorite prompt from the past PopSugar Reading Challenges

41. A cli-fi (Climate Fiction) book
Jäänvartija: Helena Waris
42. A “choose-your-own-adventure” book
43. An “own voices” book
Runoilija X: Elisabeth Acevedo
44. Read a book during the season it is set in
45. A LitRPG book
46. A book with no chapters/unusual chapter headings/Unconventionally numbered chapters
47. Two books that share the same title (1)
48. Two books that share the same title (“)
49. A book that has inspired a common phrase  or idion (e.g. Big Brother from 1984)
50. A book set in an abbey, cloister, monastery, vicarage or convent
Testamentit: Margaret Atwood

Popsugar Reading Challenge on brittiläisen Popsugar entertainmentin julkaisema jokavuotinen lukuhaaste, jolle on olemassa oma Goodreads-ryhmä.

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