Aurinko on tähti: Nicole Yoon |
Matkaystävä: Suvi Ratinen |
Lintuhäkki: Josh Malerman |
Kaipaus: Vuokko Hurme |
5. A book with at least a million ratings on GoodReads | |
Tytti Seckelinin elämä ja esikoisteos: Heidi Silvan |
7. A reread of a favorite book | |
Liitopoika: Arja Puikkonen |
9. A book with “pop”, “sugar” or “challenge” in the title | |
Mortal engines - liikkuvat koneet: Philip Reeve |
Maan povessa; Sini Helminen |
12. A book published posthumously | |
13. A book you see someone reading in TV or in a movie | |
Anne Frankin päiväkirja; Ari Folman (sarjakuvasovitus) ja David Polonsky (kuvitus) |
15. A book with a question in the title | |
16. A book set on a college or university Campus | |
Varjojen valtias: Cassandra Clare |
Kolme on parillinen luku: Nic Stone |
Artemis: Andy Weir |
Loimut - Synkät vedet 3: Camilla & Viveca Sten |
21. A book with a title that contains “salty”, “sweet”, “bitter” or “spicy” | |
Veljeni, Leijonamieli: Astrid Lingren |
23. A book that takes place on a single day | |
Taikuri ja taskuvaras: Anniina Mikama |
Auringon pimeä puoli: Marisha Rasi-Koskinen |
Savuvarkaat: Sally Green |
27. A book recommended by a celebrity you admire | |
Pojille, joita joskus rakastin: Jenny Han |
29. A book featuring an amateur detective | |
Älä kerro kenellekään - Tylerin tarina: Estelle Maskame |
Rotukarja: Agustina Bazterrica |
32. A book with a zodiac sign or astrology term in the title | |
Katsokaa miten onnellinen olen: Holly Bourne |
Kivienkelit: Kristina Ohlsson |
Hurmeen maku. Romanssi: Jukka Laajarinne |
Rouva C: Minna Rytisalo |
37. A book revolving around a puzzle or a game | |
38. Your favorite prompt from the past PopSugar Reading Challenges | |
Jäänvartija: Helena Waris |
42. A “choose-your-own-adventure” book | |
Runoilija X: Elisabeth Acevedo |
44. Read a book during the season it is set in | |
45. A LitRPG book | |
46. A book with no chapters/unusual chapter headings/Unconventionally numbered chapters | |
47. Two books that share the same title (1) | |
48. Two books that share the same title (“) | |
49. A book that has inspired a common phrase or idion (e.g. Big Brother from 1984) | |
Testamentit: Margaret Atwood |
Popsugar Reading Challenge on brittiläisen Popsugar entertainmentin julkaisema jokavuotinen lukuhaaste, jolle on olemassa oma Goodreads-ryhmä.
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